Luo men are very romantic, responsible and above all intelligent, here is why you should marry one
Luo men never struggle to grasp content in class…they chew it like sugarcane, unlike Kikuyu men who work hard to see results. In terms of intelligence, give a Luo man 100%…he will always top in class.
Luo men are the most romantic men in Kenya…and I doubt there is a tribe in East Africa that can beat them in this area. When a lady is approached by a Luo man, she feels heaven .
When a Luo man loves you, he does it from his heart. This man can shower you with love, gifts, great sex and money. He will buy you a car, just for flossing.
One reason why Luo men excel in everything ( except where confidence is not a factor) is their confidence. In a crowd, if you see a self-assured man, that must be a Luo.