The new NHIF guidelines provide for a member to choose their preferred outpatient hospital /medical facility where they will be going to seek outpatient medical help. The preference here is pegged on the proximity and well your own opinion about the facility.
Once you choose a preferred facility you will not be able to get your medical services paid by NHIF from ANY other hospital. In the situation where you might need to change your preferred outpatient medical facility/ hospital; NHIF allows you to do so twice a year. Download the CHANGE OF MEDICAL FACILITY FORM
On the outpatient medical facility form, you can indicate a different hospital for each of your family members. This very helpful for those families who stay in different towns.
There is usually a national call out for change of NHIF preferred facilities. When the call is out you are advised to visit your new hospital and change your preference.
If you feel you need to change the hospital before a call is made you can still visit your nearest NHIF branch and submit the change of medical facility form.