5 reasons why Kamba women are good in bed
When it comes to bedroom matters, there is a common belief among Kenyans that Kamba women are the best.
Kenyan men complain that some of the women from other tribes are “normal, dull” leaving them to do all the work in bed.
However, when it comes to Kambas, there are no such misgivings when it comes to sex.
Here are reasons why Kambas are good in bed.
Kamba women know how to take the initiative
Kamba women are known to be bold and are not shy to take control of the situation.
Most Kamba women are proud of their bodies. (Photo: Jetmag)
They are fearless and confident of their own ability and can even relish the mere fact of “starting things off” in bed.
Kambas know how to differentiate sex from emotions
When it comes to Kambas, the term “friends with benefits” means exactly that. Friends with benefits.
They do not mix feelings with sexual pleasures which is a completely perfect situation when it comes to most men.
Kamba women are not ashamed of sex
Most Kamba women believe sex is a natural gift from God which they should derive pleasure from and are therefore not ashamed of the act.
Kamba women are proud of their bodies and general looks
There is no disputing the fact that Kambas are naturally beautiful.
They appreciate their bodies. Their well-endowed bodies complement their pretty looks which bring about a positive response from men; thus boosting the overall sexual performance.
Kamba women love sex
Kamba women are good in bed simply because they love the act.
Of course, they may not openly admit to it for obvious reasons, but they have a passion and a natural affinity for it.
If a guy has a Kamba girlfriend, chances are more likely that he has regular sex than the average person who has a better half from another tribe.